
Assume we have a status filed in Post. It has 2 possible values, "draft" and "online". If we want to filter posts by its status. We can add a filter like this:

QOR5 now supports 7 types of filter option.

PLEASE NOTE THAT all below sample are required you to provide the SQLCondition you want to perform.

1. Filter by String

Set the ItemType as vuetifyx.ItemTypeString. No Options needed. Under this mode, the filter would work in 2 ways,

  1. the target value equal to the input string
  2. the target value contains the input string

2. Filter by Number

Set the ItemType as vuetifyx.ItemTypeNumber. No Options needed. Under this mode, the filter would work in 4 ways

  1. the target value equal to the input number
  2. the target value is between the input numbers
  3. the target value is greater than the input number
  4. the target value is less than the input number

3. Filter by Date

Set the ItemType as vuetifyx.ItemTypeDate. No Options needed. Under this mode, the filter would render a date picker for users to select.

4. Filter by Date Range

Set the ItemType as vuetifyx.ItemTypeDateRange. No Options needed. Under this mode, the filter would render 2 date pickers, "from" and "to" for users to select.

5. Filter by Datetime Range

Set the ItemType as vuetifyx.ItemTypeDatetimeRange. No Options needed. Under this mode, the filter would render 2 date time pickers, "from" and "to" for users to select.

6. Filter by Selectable Items

Set the ItemType as vuetifyx.ItemTypeSelect. You need to provide Options like this. The Text is the text users can see in the selector, the Value is the value of the selector.

7. Filter by Multiple Select

Set the ItemType as vuetifyx.ItemTypeMultipleSelect. You need to provide Options like above "Selectable Items". But in this mode, the filter would render the options as multi-selectable checkboxes and the query of this filter becomes IN and NOT IN.