Scope Component

Use Locals to init vue variables

There is a concept of reactive object in vue. Reactive object can trigger view updates, and Vue cannot detect normal property additions (e.g. this.myObject.newProperty = 'hi'). We pre-set the "locals" object as a reactive object, and then we can initialize various types of values and slot it into "locals". And the valid scopes of these values are all inside web.Scope().

For example:

Use web.Scope() to determine the effective scope of the variable, then use .Init(...).VSlot("{ locals }") to initialize the variable and slot it into the locals object.

In VBtn(""), you can use the click event to change the variable value in locals to achieve the effect that the page changes with the click.

In VBtn("Test Can Not Change Other Scope"), values in locals will not change with the click, because the button is not in web.Scope().

Video Tutorial (

Use PlaidForm

The main use of PlaidForm is to submit one form which is inside another form, and the two forms are completely independent forms.

In the following example, each color represents a completely separate form. The Material Form contains the Raw Material Form. You can submit the Raw Material Form to the server first. After receiving it, server will save the Raw Material data and return the ID. In this way, you can submit Raw Material ID directly in the Material Form.

For example:

Use web.Scope().VSlot("{ plaidForm }") to determine the scope of a form.