
By the 1 Minute Quick Start, We get a default listing page with default columns, But default columns from database columns rarely fit the needs for any real application. Here we will introduce common customizations on the list page.

  • Configure fields that displayed on the page
  • Modify the display value
  • Display a virtual field
  • Default scope
  • Extend the dot menu

There would be a runable example at the last.

Configure fields that displayed on the page

Suppose we added a new model called Category, the Post belongs to Category. Then we want to display CategoryID on the list page.

Modify the display value

To display the category name rather than category id in the post listing page. The ComponentFunc would do the work. The obj is the Post record, and field is the CategoryID field of this Post record. You can get the value by field.Value(obj) function.

Display virtual fields


If we want to display Post with disabled=false only. Use the Listing().SearcherFunc(...) to apply SQL conditions.

Extend the dot menu

You can extend the dot menu by calling the RowMenuItem function. If you want to overwrite the default Edit and Delete link, you can pass the items you wanted to Listing().RowMenu()

Full Example