
By default, presets will only generate the listing page, editing page for a model, It's for simple objects. But for a complicated object with a lots of relationships and connections, and as the main data model of your system, It's better to have detail page for them. In there You can add all kinds of operations conveniently.

  • The name of detailing fields are just a place holder for decide ordering
  • CellComponentFunc customize how the cell display
  • vx.DataTable create a data table, Which the Listing page uses the same component
  • LoadMoreAt will only show for example 2 rows of data, and you can click load more to display all
  • vx.Card display a card with toolbar you can setup action buttons
  • We reference the new form drawer that b.Model(&ActivityNote{}) creates, but hide notes in the menu

Details Info components and actions

A vx.DetailInfo component is used for display main detail field of the model. And you can add any actions to the detail page with ease:

  • The vx.Card Actions links to two event functions: Agree Terms, and Update Details
  • Agree Terms show a drawer popup that edit the term_agreed_at field
  • Update Details reuse the edit customer form

More Usage for Data Table

A vx.DataTable component is very featured rich, Here check out the row expandable example:

  • RowExpandFunc config the content when data table row expand
  • cc.Editing setup the fields when edit
  • cc.Creating setup the fields when create