
Editing an object will be always in a drawer popup. select which fields can edit for each model by using the .Only func of EditingBuilder, There are different ways to configure the type of component that is used to do the editing.

Configure field for a single model

Use a customized component is as simple as add the extra asset to the preset instance. And configure the component func on the field:

  • Added the redactor javascript and css component pack as an extra asset
  • Configure the description field to use the component func that returns the tiptap.TipTapEditor component
  • Set the field name and value of the component

Configure field type for all models

Set a global field type to component func like the following:

  • We define MyFile to actually be a string
  • We set FieldDefaults for writing, which is the editing drawer popup to be a customized component
  • The component show an img tag with the string as src if it's not empty
  • The component add a file input for user to upload new file
  • The SetterFunc is called before save the object, it uploads the file to transfer.sh, and get the url back, then set the value to MainImage field

With FieldDefaults we can write libraries that add customized type for different models to reuse. It can take care of how to display the edit controls, and How to save the object.


Tabs can be added by using AppendTabsPanelFunc func on EditingBuilder:


Field level validation and display on field can be added by implement ValidateFunc, and set the web.ValidationErrors result:

  • We validate the Name of the customer must be longer than 10
  • If the error happens, If will show below the field