
The seo package allows for the management and injection of dynamic data into HTML tags for the purpose of Search Engine Optimization.

Create a SEO builder

  • Create a builder and register global seo by default. db is an instance of gorm.DB

    builder := seo.NewBuilder(db)
  • The default global seo name is Global SEO, if you want to customize the name, passing the name through WithGlobalSEOName option to the NewBuilder function.

    builder := seo.NewBuilder(db, seo.WithGlobalSEOName("My Global SEO"))
  • Turn off the default inherit the upper level SEO data when the current SEO data is missing

    builder := seo.NewBuilder(db, seo.WithInherited(false))
  • The seo package supports localization. you can pass the localization code you want to support through the WithLocales option to the NewBuilder function. if no localization is set, it defaults to empty.

    builder := seo.NewBuilder(db, seo.WithLocales('zh', 'en', 'jp'))
  • You can pass multiple options at once

    builder := seo.NewBuilder(db, seo.WithLocales('zh'), seo.WithInherited(false), seo.WithGlobalSEOName("My Global SEO"))

Register and remove SEO

All registered SEO names are unique, If you have already registered a SEO named Test, attempting to register SEO with the same name Test will cause the program to panic.

The second parameter named model in the RegisterSEO(name string, model ...interface{}) method is an instance of a type that has a field of type Setting. If you pass a model whose type does not have such a field, the program will panic.

For Example:

type Test struct {
    // doesn't have a field of type Setting
builder.RegisterSEO("Test", &Test{}) // will panic

There are two types of SEOs, one is SEO with model, the other is SEO without model. if you want to register a no model SEO, you can call RegisterSEO method like this:

seoBuilder.RegisterSEO("About Us")

if you want to register a SEO with model, you can call RegisterSEO method like this:

seoBuilder.RegisterSEO("Product", &Product{})
  • Remove a SEO

NOTE: The global seo cannot be removed

  builder.RemoveSEO(&Product{}).RemoveSEO("Not Found")

When you remove an SEO, the new parent of its child SEO becomes the parent of the seo.

  • The seo supports hierarchy, and you can use the SetParent or AppendChild methods of SEO to configure the hierarchy.

With AppendChildren method


With SetParent Method

  seoA := builder.RegisterSEO("A")

The final seo structure is as follows:

  Global SEO
  ├── A
      ├── B
      └── C
      └── D

Configure SEO

  • Register setting variables

    builder := NewBuilder(dbForTest)
    RegisterSettingVariables("Type", "Place of Origin")
  • Register context variables

    seoBuilder = seo.NewBuilder(db)
          func(object interface{}, _ *seo.Setting, _ *http.Request) string {
              if article, ok := object.(models.Post); ok {
                  return article.Title
              return ""
  • Register Meta Property

    seoBuilder = seo.NewBuilder(db)
          func(object interface{}, _ *seo.Setting, _ *http.Request) string {
              if article, ok := object.(models.Post); ok {
              return ""

Render SEO html data

Render a single seo

Render a single seo with model

To call Render(obj interface{}, req *http.Request) for rendering a single seo.

NOTE: obj must be of type *NameObj or a pointer to a struct that has a field of type Setting.

  type Post struct {
      Title   string
      Author  string
      Content string
      SEO     Setting

  post := &Post{
      Title:   "TestRender",
      Author:  "iBakuman",
      Content: "Hello, Qor5 SEO",
      SEO: Setting{
          Title:            "{.{Title}}",
          Description:      "post for testing",
          EnabledCustomize: true,
  builder := NewBuilder(dbForTest)
      func(post interface{}, _ *Setting, _ *http.Request) string {
          if p, ok := post.(*Post); ok {
              return p.Title
          return "No title"
      func(post interface{}, _ *Setting, _ *http.Request) string {
          return "Title for og:title"

  defaultReq, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "", nil)
  res, err := builder.Render(post, defaultReq).MarshalHTML(context.TODO())
  if err != nil {

The output of the above code is as follows:


  <meta name='description' content='post for testing'>

  <meta name='keywords'>

  <meta property='og:description' name='og:description'>

  <meta property='og:url' name='og:url'>

  <meta property='og:type' name='og:type' content='website'>

  <meta property='og:image' name='og:image'>

  <meta property='og:title' name='og:title' content='Title for og:title'>

Render a single seo without model

    seoBuilder.Render(&NameObj{"About US", Locale: "en"})

Render multiple SEOs at once

Render multiple SEOs with model

To call BatchRender(objs []interface, req *http.Request) for batch rendering.

NOTE: You need to ensure that all elements in objs are of the same type.

BatchRender does not check if all elements in objs are of the same type, as this can be performance-intensive. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that all elements in objs are of the same type. If you pass objs with various types of SEO, it will only take the type of the first element as the standard to obtain the SEO configuration used in the rendering process.

  type Post struct {
      Title   string
      Author  string
      Content string
      SEO     Setting

  posts := []interface{}{
          Title:   "TestRenderA",
          Author:  "iBakuman",
          Content: "Hello, Qor5 SEO",
          SEO: Setting{
              Title:            "{.{Title}}",
              Description:      "postA for testing",
              EnabledCustomize: true,
          Title:   "TestB",
          Author:  "iBakuman",
          Content: "Hello, Qor5 SEO",
          SEO: Setting{
              Title:            "{.{Title}}",
              Description:      "postB for testing",
              EnabledCustomize: true,
  builder := NewBuilder(dbForTest, WithLocales("en"))
      func(post interface{}, _ *Setting, _ *http.Request) string {
          if p, ok := post.(*Post); ok {
              return p.Title
          return "No title"
      func(post interface{}, _ *Setting, _ *http.Request) string {
          return "Title for og:title"

  defaultReq, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "", nil)
  SEOs := builder.BatchRender(posts, defaultReq)
  for _, seo := range SEOs {
      html, _ := seo.MarshalHTML(context.TODO())

The output of the above code is as follows:


  <meta name='description' content='postA for testing'>

  <meta name='keywords'>

  <meta property='og:description' name='og:description'>

  <meta property='og:url' name='og:url'>

  <meta property='og:type' name='og:type' content='website'>

  <meta property='og:image' name='og:image'>

  <meta property='og:title' name='og:title' content='Title for og:title'>



  <meta name='description' content='postB for testing'>

  <meta name='keywords'>

  <meta property='og:url' name='og:url'>

  <meta property='og:type' name='og:type' content='website'>

  <meta property='og:image' name='og:image'>

  <meta property='og:title' name='og:title' content='Title for og:title'>

  <meta property='og:description' name='og:description'>


Render multiple SEOs without model

  seoBuilder.BatchRender(NewNonModelSEOSlice("Product", "en", "zh"))